8 Months Post Op

Well it’s really more like 9, but I’m going to save month 9 for a better update after I get a corticosteroid shot to help with relieving swelling. Some new things I have experienced are that having a cold/flu is TERRIBLE for your new nose, the cold weather is AMAZING for your new nose, and that your nose keeps getting better and better. I had a cold for the first time since surgery back in April and I could not believe how swollen my nose got from being sick. It made my bridge really smooth and round, which is nothing like how it is when I am not sick. It is not fun and I got scared and called my doctors office to ask the nurse if this was normal and she said it is totally normal and that my nose will go back to normal, and she was right. But it was still scary looking at a nose that looked like it did when I was 3 months post op. So if you get sick and your nose looks fat and swollen, fear not! It will go back to normal. Just ice your nose and be patient. The cold winter weather, well, as cold as winter can be in Southern California anyway, has made my nose look really nice and skinny! I am enjoying being outside for that very reason. πŸ™‚ Here are a few pictures over the last month or so.

Last month before I went to a wedding.

I think the tip is still a bit fat, but I don't think it'll get much thinner since I didn't have too much work done on the tip.

It looks a bit thinner here. It was cold outside that day.

And the rest of these were taken on December 9th. And this is at Disneyland so don’t mind my mouse ears. πŸ™‚

You can see more definition after 8 months. I think my nose looks thinner. It was very cold outside the entire day so I think it really helped it shrink that day.

Thinner bridge, I think.

And one from the side. This was early on during the day and I actually don't think my nose looks particularly defined here, but still looks good.

I don’t know if maybe my nose looks different just because someone else took the picture and the quality is better. The majority of my pictures are taken on my laptop, so I don’t know if it quality just made it look different, but I really think cold weather plays a major role. The first two were taken before it was particularly cold, so I think it has to do with that. That’s probably why patients are not supposed to be in the sun for at least 6 months and should always wear sunscreen. A lot of things affect recovery and if you are skipping out on them, you should reconsider your actions because my pictures are proof of that. And I DID follow the rules. See how much it changed even when following them? I am pleased thus far. I will update after my next appointment. I hate needles so wish me luck!

  1. 01/10/2012 at 7:06 am

    I like this post, enjoyed this one appreciate it for posting .

  2. Pauline
    01/31/2012 at 8:09 pm

    ****Sorry i sent you the wrong email , its @aol.com so : pearez2@aol.com !

  3. 01/31/2012 at 8:55 pm

    Hey. Just came upon your blog and found it very interesting πŸ™‚ It has been 3 weeks since I had rhinoplasty and I am starting a blog as well about my experience. Can’t wait to reach the point that you are at πŸ˜€ Feel free to have a look but I haven’t put up too many posts yet. Hope to see further updates on your blog!

    • 02/01/2012 at 12:34 am

      Hi Azalea! Thank you for commenting! I read your blog so far and enjoyed your posts! I hope you will find the courage to post pictures. You will be helping others get through recovery and you will be glad that you can look at your blog and be proud of what you went through. I hope you have a smooth and happy recovery. Just remember that you might go through emotional highs and lows and you might love your nose one day and hate it the next. Try to keep in mind there is no perfect nose. Look for improvement, not perfection. You will always be happy that way! Happy healing. πŸ™‚

  4. rhinoplastywithregrets
    03/10/2012 at 4:11 am

    Wow you’re nose looks fantastic much better than before really compliments you’re face you should be so pleased!

    No one can understand the emotion turmoil people go threw following a rhinoplasty… I certainly did not – I wanted a nose job my who life as mine was crooked (although no one noticed but me) and am 10 weeks post op and I hate my new nose

    My tip is rock hard and turned up and showing no signs of improvement, the bridge has been over-resected and it just looks like I have been hit in the face with a frying pan, not the subtle work I wanted done at all, counting downs the days till I can have a revision literally going to be the slowest year of my life…

    No one thinks that it will be them that have to have a revision or it wont look exactly as they imagined but trust me it can happen – I am having counselling and seeking medical help for depression and have lost all confidence (considering I used to be a model)

    I feel so stupid and disgusted with myself for going through with surgery so just a warning – if you like how you look don’t change it for the sake of slight improvement – it is the irregularities in our faces that make us unique and beautiful

    I know in my heart I will never look the same or feel the same as I did pre-surgery but it is nice to see someone who it has helped and definitely made more beautiful – unfortunately this just isn’t the case for everyone

    • 03/17/2012 at 6:35 pm

      Hello RhinoplastyWithRegrets,
      I am so sorry to hear that you are not liking your new nose! Keep in mind that ten weeks is very, very soon after surgery and that there is a good possibility that it will calm down and your nose will be less turned up! It is normal for your tip to be hard. That happens from the reshaping of the tip cartilage. My tip is very stiff, too after almost one year and it is going to stay that way as it has with others who have had the same procedure as I had. You will get over it, though. You get used to not having a squishy tip. I am actually not 100% pleased with my results. I actually wanted less of a “natural” look and wanted a more curvy, up-turned nose, but I try not to obsess over it so much. And also my right side is still a bit sensitive and doesn’t go in as much as my left and my left side looks concave in some pictures depending on the lighting. Give it some time. I think your nose will look better and less turned up with time. Don’t feel disgusted with yourself! I bet you look beautiful and are just being hard on yourself! Give yourself a year or a year and a half to recover. You will see lots of changes. Feel free to let me know if you want me to e-mail you if you want/need more advice. If you really dislike your nose so much, talk to your surgeon. If she/he doesn’t like what you are saying, then go make a consultation with another PS, preferably one who specializes in rhinoplasty, and get a second opinion and go from there. Good luck!


  5. jjones
    11/22/2013 at 10:58 am

    Your blog and photos are amazing – your nose is GORGEOUS!. I am 1 month post septo-rhinoplasty and stressed to the max. I still can’t breathe through my nose very well (fluctuates throughout the day, nothing in my nose, just dry and stuffed). I never had breathing problems before my surgery. My doctor assures me I have swollen turbinates that will go down with time. I also feel that I have a residual hump – and my PS says you won’t know what your new nose will look like until 1 year. I am wondering if you felt your nose truly changed from 1 month post-op to 1 year post-op and also when you were able to fully breathe normally post-op. Any info would be much appreciated! πŸ™‚

  6. Lissa
    09/30/2015 at 10:15 am

    Could you post an after picture in a normal pose? Like, taken at shoulder level at the side, looking straight forward. You look great, but I alwYs find pics taken at angles (from below, head tilted, etc) to be a bit hard to see the difference.

    • 10/14/2015 at 12:05 am

      Hi Lissa,
      I will definitely do my best to get some head on pictures posted.

  7. Pamela
    04/01/2017 at 7:53 am

    Hi Aleen, just wanted to say that your blog is still helping others 7 years later! I am recovering from rhinoplasty (9 days in) and I am really enjoying your blog. Thanks for your honesty and for all of the pictures! Your nose looks AMAZING and fits your face perfectly!

    • 07/26/2017 at 5:55 am

      Hi Pamela, thank you! I hope your recovery has been going well and that you’re happy with your new nose. I am glad I could help you on your journey.

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